I really cant believe whats just happened to me. I was doing my weekely jabs and i decided today i would go for the quad again. (havent done quad in a long while because the pip was that bad last time) So i got it all ready and started going into my quad with a 1inch blue. Didnt get very far before i was in a massive amount of pain then my muscle went into spazzem and forced the needle out. So i changed the pin and just decided to do my delt. Job done easy. Then i had 2ml eq which i was going to do in my left glute. Got it all the way in no problem (as usual) then muscles spazzemed again and cause me to pull the needle out again without meaning to. So changed the pin and decided to do my right qlute (easier as im right handed) Then i spotted and air bubble near the top so i drew back the plunger a little to get all the oil to the bottom and air to the top, but when i did the plunger came all the way out ( mind i wasnt pulling hard at all) spilling 2ml of eq all over the bathroom floor. I was f**cking heart broken.
What a f**king cock up! Normally i have no problem at all. I actually like jabbing... but today my body just wasnt having any of it
What a f**king cock up! Dropped a 10ml vial last week and had only drawn out 1ml - bout summed up a **** day for me.
What a f**king cock up! Moral of the story, dont take drugs cos the sted god is watching over us all at all times !!!