I have just completed a 16 week tren and test cycle with hgh and my gains, physique and strength was the best it's ever been and now I've had to go away with work in Canada for 3 months I'm here now and there's no gym close by the food in and around isn't the kind of food that I require to maintain ,it's all sugary fat stuff which is unavoidable due to the location of were I am . And i feel absolutely gutted I trained and kept discipline so hard throughout and my gains showed now alls I've got here for me is my pct meds words can't describe how pi55ed off I am
Well what a total waste... Can you not get some cheap weights? & im sure watever u lose in the 3 months can be gained quite quickly with muscle memory?
Well what a total waste... I know how you feel dude my 2nd year of uni I dedicated myself an went from 150lbs up to almost 200lb put on a lot of size so much hard work. Then I went home for the summer mum went ape**** seeing the amount of food I ate and the amount of meat and eggs I consumed... Lost 30lbs came back had just sunk into a proper low about it all and things got worse..
Well what a total waste... canada has got gyms everywhere mate, unless you're out in the sticks. also they have good quality meat at their butchers if you are out in the sticks try and ask some of the locals seeing as you will be there for quite a while.
Well what a total waste... Can you not order some supps and food online and get it delivered to where you are, get your self some cheap weights or just do body weight exercises
Well what a total waste... You could do bodyweight exercises, squats, lunges, press ups, shoulder presses, tricep dips, chest dips, chins, ab work....loads of stuff. Surely people eat meat and fish in Canada too? Are you working in a doughnut factory?
Well what a total waste... Trust me I'm out in the sticks big time I'm doing body weight exercises and I've got **** loads if amino's and vit c that I'm currently overdosing on
Well what a total waste... Press-ups can be very demanding if you jazz them up you wont gain size but will gain incredible strength. As for weights you can improvise hold your tv out in front of you when squatting lol its still weight.
Well what a total waste... in that case rifle and scope is all you need mate, get yourself some proper fresh meat and eat till you get the meat sweats. but as above mate till you find a gym or get some dumbells it will have to be body weight exercises.