Got into work at 6pm there for my last 12hr night shift before I break off for 4, there's this one smelly little prick who works here who constantly winds folk up, anyway he starts by nicking my piece bag then soaks me through with a spray water bottle! Just lost it and booted him clean through a pile of pallets! Not like me to loose it, wondering if it's the gear??? (pmag) Now panicking about a phone call from the suits on Monday if he complains...
Tw*t at work! Won't be the gear mate, just subconsciously you will let yourself be more reckless, because you now have somthing to blame.
Tw*t at work! Whats a piece bag? Where do you work, depending on the industry you can get away with this kind of stuff.
Tw*t at work! "then soaks me through with a spray water bottle!" ??? Is he some kind of retarded ?! lol
Tw*t at work! My great grand pappy old reliable used to say. If you poke a lion with a stick expect him to feck you up.
Tw*t at work! You'll be alright , how can he grass you up without landing himself in it . Haha he ll think twice now about picking on people !