hi there, for a tren ace virgin what dosage would be suitable? keeping in mind it would be run alongside 500mg test pw, also is it really worth jabbing it ed over eod? thanks for any help
Tren Ace I jab ED, im finding sides to be very mild to be honest and im running 700mg/week. Ive ran tren several times. 300mg/week will produce good results providing your diet is in check. ED or EOD its a preference thing really.
Tren Ace As lewishart said, This is 3rd time i've done tren, i've not really gone above 300mg. Dont need to yet, gain really well from that dose. If you can pin ED do it, otherwise EOD is fine which is what i do. I'm not a pin cushion! Enjoy the sides
Tren Ace Eod is fine for me. On 880mg a week and no negative sides so to speak. Everything else is top notch though
Tren Ace I take it tren sides for you arent apaprent like me. Im running 700mg/week and ive really got no sides to speak off. Apart for DHT based hair loss but im going for that Jason Statham look so its all good
Tren Ace Really? That's crazy. Just at 300mg, my aggression and moods are crazy, libido is crazy, and the way i sleep totally changes!
Tren Ace il give 300mg pw a go and see how it is, not fussy about pinning but il probably go with eod to begin with, thanks