I just read the book 'Bigger,Leaner, Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body by Michael Matthews. This the the workout plan he recommends no matter if you are bulking or cutting (which I am). I am used to doing more sets and higher reps than this. I have been working out for years but have not followed a plan like this one really. What is everyone's thoughts on this workout plan. My nutrition and diet are spot on right now so I think I will see results from most plans but I like that this is short and heavy. You basically do this plan along with 4 days of cardio and then substitute some of the workout every few months. Most of these are compound lifts. Day 1: Chest & Abs Flat Dumbbell Press 3 x 6 Decline Press 3 x 6 Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 6 Flat or Incline Flys 3 x 6 Abs (2 exercises) Day 2: Back & Calves One-Arm Dumbbell Row 3 x6 Front Lat Pulldown 3 x 6 Seated Cable Row 3 x 6 Standing Calf Raises 6 x 6 Day 3: Shoulders Arnold Presses 3 x 6 Side Lateral Raise 3 x 6 Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise 3 x 6 Day 4: Legs Squats: 3 x 6 Leg Press: 3 x 6 Leg Extensions 3 x 6 Leg Curls 3 x 6 Day 5: Arms and Abs Dumbbell Curls 3 x 6 Barbell Curl 3 x 6 Tricep Pushdown 3 x 6 Seated Tricep Press 3 x 6 Abs (2 exercises)
Thoughts on this workout program Bro i would possibly add an exercise such as dbell fly or cable extension to really open up the chest.
Thoughts on this workout program ^^ I thinks same. I'm also not fan of decline bench. Switch it for flat or some fly as stated. Is there a main reason for the low reps low volume during ur cut? Just looking foe lil more info on your goals.
Thoughts on this workout program Never tried a workout plan like this before. I definitely am used to more volume that is why I posted this up to get some opinions. You are suppose to lift as heavy as possible on all lifts. Using this lifting plan while on a cut is suppose to help with maintaining or even increasing strength. I do not necessarily like decline bench either. I do however like decline flys. What do you prefer in order to really hit the lower chest? Thanks Goals are to drop another 15 pounds in the next 6 weeks. So far I have dropped 13 in the first 6 weeks on my cut but my strength has suffered.
Thoughts on this workout program My thoughts exactly. If I try this program I was thinking of adding in some flys and some pullovers occasionally. Something besides a press.
Thoughts on this workout program I agree but this whole concept is about thinking outside the box. More of 'Overloading' the muscle and not completely tearing it down. There is a fine line between not enough and too much and I think it varies from person to person. I may give this a go for a few weeks and see how it works out. My first thought was the same as yours though - not enough
Thoughts on this workout program True but over loading could be done in a number of rep ranges without killing yourself lol. I read an article by Scott abel not too long ago were he was talking about general program design and used every rep range from 6-25. I don't think something like this would hurt if you stuck to it for like 2-3 weeks though. When Fouad Abiad was training with Haney Rambod(not sure if he still is) he'd cycle from moderate volume/fst7 work to more a more max-ot type of training every 3 weeks or so.
Thoughts on this workout program Yeah I was thinking about maybe doing this for 1 or 2 weeks every now and again. I like to change things up it keeps it interesting.
Thoughts on this workout program My thoughts are your going to loose strength during your cut not matter what. Less ur juicing. Focus on muscle shaping also some higher reps to fill you muscles with a nice pump n thus deliver nutriants to them. Maybe incorporate some low Rep strengthen exercise but that shouldn't be the focus during a cut. You want your muscles to be nice n full with good shape.. n strength training isn't the way to go for that.. Also u want your workouts to burn lots of Cal in boost ur metabolic rate.. low reps aren't the best for this either.. just my thoughts though ..