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    Discussion in 'Diet & Nutrition' started by AnnaU93, Apr 15, 2013.

    1. AnnaU93

      AnnaU93 Active Member

      Mar 2013
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      I always read about how eating a lot of a certain food such as carrots or celery can actually influence th color of your urine.
      I find is so strange and I have never heard if anone having "dark orange" or even "gen" urine..

      What are your thoughts on this?
    2. abetterme

      abetterme Member

      Mar 2013
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      I don't recall having any change in urine color due to food intake. I remember being sick and not eating or drinking much and that made my urine cloudy until I started drinking more fluids. This could be a myth but I will wait to hear from the carrot eaters - I don't eat many of those! lol!

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