Just like the title says. whats your thoughts on the matter and is there anyone on here that has done any research on it. Somehow i ended up reading about this today and its got me worried because ive been getting some of the symptoms they suggest that happens with wireless like breathing problems,tiredness etc.. and ive even had this pain in my left side for over a year now. I think even if it does cause cancer like many online suggest, there aint fcuk all we can do about it because theres no chance they are going to do away with wifi. what annoys me is that theres so much information yet as much imformation there is, theres the same amount of miss information so i dont think we'll ever find out teh truth
The great wifi radiation debate Are you worried about just WiFi or all radio frequencies? Largely bollox IMO.
The great wifi radiation debate From what I understand (as a Weapons Engineer with a degree in Electronic Engineering), in laymans terms, the power is much to low as to be of concern.
The great wifi radiation debate Personally, I refuse to be anywhere near wifi without my tinfoil hat. Tinfoil-Hat2.jpg
The great wifi radiation debate I was waiting on this and was even thinking of putting it in my OP but then again, they could be right because we all know what they said about smoking when it 1st hit teh scene big time. they said it was actully good for your breathing ,lol
The great wifi radiation debate Thats what ive also read on here but theres also conflicting opinions on that.
The great wifi radiation debate I know what you mean mate. I'm quite worried as well as one of my bollox is bigger then the other two. I mean, Is this normal??
The great wifi radiation debate I think mobile phones will be the next biggest killer. Such a boom in the last 10-15 years and I can't say I've seen any research on the long term effects.
The great wifi radiation debate Maybe not bollox: http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/08...ot-going-away/