Greetings, brothers in iron! This is the tale of my 2,5 year transformation from a regular guy to the chosen man of Thor on Earth. First of all, I am no prodigy or a guy who's always been big. I was rather small when I was younger, and I didn't just go to the gym and wake up the next day looking the way I am today. Everything I got, everything I am, I have busted my ass in the gym for. I am 100 % steroid free, as you can see in my pictures below I am not one of those guys that was skinny two years back and is now huge, without pictures in between. To everyone reading this; You don't need to be a genetic freak or use steroids to achieve this, just time, work and lots of dedication. I am 23 years old, I am 187 cm and is as of now weighing around 92 kg, I started at ca 78 kg. This is me during my time during my time in the military, 11 months of marching, fighting, shooting, I started going to the gym after I got out of it (in Sweden we used to have a mandatory period of service). This is me after ca 6 months of serious training, although I didn't know as much about nutrition and training as I do now I did my best and still ate good and got plenty of sleep. June 2010 This is me after 6 months after that, the scale hovered around 100 kg, but, as you see a lot of it was fat. (I spent the entire fall bulking). January 2011 [ This is me after some months of training that was less good, I made a brief return to thaiboxing (which I trained as a teen), still I tried to manage my nutrition. May 2011 After that I commenced a cut, which in retrospect was poorly executed. July 2011 After this my girlfriend went to study abroad for the coming semester, at this point I vowed that I wouldn't waste a day training wise. The following fall I saw great progress, I began to spend more time reading and educating me in the matters of iron and nutrition. Although I put on some fat I gained a good quantity of muscle as well. During this period I also found a brother in Iron with whom I still train with.
The ascent to beauty . First picture is early October the other two is late November. I was scheduled to visit my girlfriend and thus I began a small cut as I found my self bearing to much fat. Here is a picure from Gold Gym, California. After my return to Sweden I was fairly unhappy with my form, 3 weeks of donuts, hamburgers and lack of training made me yet again vow to never eat anything but clean food. I didn't start my cut that would start my ascent quite yet but opted instead to try to gain some more muscle. March 2012
The ascent to beauty The ascent The pictures above is right before the ascent. I started my cut in the middle of Mars, full of determination and knowledge. I was sure to make everything picture perfect this time, richer for the experience from previous failures. Easier thought than done I got sick two times during April which was a real test for my determination. I pushed through however which led me to become what I am now, Thor's chosen man. I finally reached one lifelong goal of mine; visible abs, I never thought I ever have it, just the thought of it makes my eyes tearful with joy, when I understood that I was on the right path and the fat began to recede; The joy I felt was something extraordinary. For the record I have made some sacrifices through this time, I haven't drunk in well over a year (which has taken it's toll on the social aspect of life, as here in Sweden a large part of socializing has to do with alcohol), I almost never eat unclean food (can't remember the last time i had a pizza). The following pictures is not the end of my journey but a mile stone which marks the results of my long struggle. This summer.