All opinions welcome but.. I'm after experiences from people who have tried both of the above on a bulk. I used test deca for my last course and have used tren for a cut before so am aware of the sides. Just want to know what the differences in gains/ strength you noticed. I'm undecided on what to do. Although I liked deca, it puffed me out a fair bit. Will either be test 1.2g pw 1-18.......and either tren 400-600 pw or deca 600-800pw
Test/tren or test/deca...users who have tried both Done both, Test / Deca was my first ever AAS cycle so my answer is going to be bisased as 1st cycle is always best, however, recently starting a course of PC Trentest 300, PIP is comfortable and slowly seeing some decent gains. Strength is up anyway.
Test/tren or test/deca...users who have tried both Used test n deca for my 1st two cycles then my last 2 was test n tren. With deca I added more weight but was mainly water but with tren I added size n lost bodyfat while on bulking diet n strength went through the roof. I'll never use deca again n stick with tren always
Test/tren or test/deca...users who have tried both Test and tren baby, I made the mistake of trying deca on my current cycle 15 weeks and less gains than 6 weeks on test and tren, oh and I ran 800 mg test 600 deca but only 600 test 225 tren
Test/tren or test/deca...users who have tried both This is the only place I have seen people run 1g+ Test E......... why? It's really not nesscary and if you cannot grow on just 500mg Test E, either your training or diet is sh£t. 300mg Test E + 400-600mg Tren E is more than enough to make outstanding results.
Test/tren or test/deca...users who have tried both +1. Better strength, leaner gains, much less water retention, awesome vascularity, even during bulk. Far less work to do on this coming cut so ready to bulk much sooner again. Way more bang for the buck than Deca IMO. Ant
Test/tren or test/deca...users who have tried both Double the amount of tren to test, no way buddy hope Ur one of those rare guys that get hornier on tren or your missus is gonna have a bad time when your on cycle
Test/tren or test/deca...users who have tried both It's very common protocol, 300mg Test E is more than enough to maintain libido.
Test/tren or test/deca...users who have tried both tried both, deca did fvck all strength wise for me but put size on. Tren was amazing strength and size was good also. i prefer test and tren and will never run deca again