Now call me cynical but how the fu*k can a drink help you tan ? Mind you who would have thought jabs and nasal sprays would lets be honest. Anyone heard of / used these ?
Tanning DRINKS for sale at my gym ! Well if you eat enough carrots you get an orange complexion. It was said the beta-carotenein is the reason and this was found in some actual fake tan creams/sprays. Possible I suppose. Bit odd though.
Tanning DRINKS for sale at my gym ! was a cup of bovril with instructions to rub it into the skin? i reckon that would work
Tanning DRINKS for sale at my gym ! Id try it to be honest the only thing that tans on me is my right arm the rest goes red then white again grrr
Tanning DRINKS for sale at my gym ! tanning agents running thru your digestive systam doesnt sound to healthy tbh I wonder whats in itm, Do you know the name of the product mate?