The other day i was in the gym and watched a guy take all the weight off one side of the barbell in the squat rack... He took the last weight off and the other side slammed down while the barbell came over like a fat kid on a see saw. Not to mention nearly killing a guy who was happily doing preacher curls with his headphones in. Honestly dont see how people can be so stupid!!! Anyone seen any other stupid stuff done in the gym and if so give me a laugh?!
Stupid things you have seen in the gym. Theres already a thread on this somewhere mate, full of experiences. Ive got a new one tho. This guy got on the rowing machine a few weeks back and somehow manage to topple it and be trapped underneath it
Stupid things you have seen in the gym. Too many to mention to be honest. Fat kid trying to impress his skinny mates by doing boxing moves in the mirror and shunting his shoulders like boxers do, curling 12.5's and throwing them on the floor followed by the death stare at everyone.
Stupid things you have seen in the gym. See that quite a lot like i heard a fat guy (who was indeed fat) walking over saying to the instructor, "gonna show these kids how to lift a weight", actually cringed.