Read somewhere it is goin to be illegal to buy steroids off the Internet but it's going to be legal to use ugl for personel use is this true ?
Steroid law changing ? You can bring them into the country personally but you can't have them sent through the post from abroad.
Steroid law changing ? 23 April it will be illegal to import them through the postal system, any imports for personal use will need to brought through the border in person. Ugl have always been illegal as they are not liscenced products. Class c drugs can be legally possessed for personal use with a prescription ( so they ain't illegal to have ) That's how I understand it anyway
Steroid law changing ? I wasn't sure read there pressure on Britain to give bigger penaltys to people being caught with them other countries such as Italy and china have made the laws stricter and there wanting us to do the same ESP with the olympic games
Steroid law changing ? Im pretty sure ugl have always been illegal however police nowadays wouldnt have a clue lol