Squatting - Old question but valid. I personally think its the weight that defines the squat not necessarily the 'depth'. If your sticking on 100kg and squatting to any degree and your muscles find this a challenge, they will grow. Granted, they 'may' grow faster the deeper you go but as mentioned, that brings other problems such as joint issues. Have you tried squatting light but a lot of reps? Say 50/60kg but for 20 reps. You can practice your ass-to-grass on these sets but when you go heavy, just bring it up a little. Failing that I saw a lad last night squatting in a power rack with a bench underneath him. He was squatting till he sat down then pushed up from this. Decent way of getting a uniform movement I suppose.
Squatting - Old question but valid. How can you talk about bodybuilders and squats and not mention Tom Platz leg-workouts-tom-platz.jpg
Squatting - Old question but valid. I normally do lower squats when warming up and each set add more weight on then by the time i get to my 'working sets' i do to parrellel.
Squatting - Old question but valid. This is a box squat and is designed to improve dead stop power in the hamstrings