Hi Guys nGals, I know this has been asked a million times on here but i have been looking at training videos of 'The Greats'. I love to squat but alot on here say you are not squatting unless you go ass to grass yet when watching Arnold, Lee Haney, Mike Mentzer and Ronnie Coleman training videos NONE of them go below parrallel when squatting. Now without insulting anyone on here i would tend to go with what these guys do and also what Lee Haney says on his dvd for his Mr O workout and going past parrellel isnt necessary, and actually places unecessary pressure on the joints. So how come so many guys on here say going to parrellel isnt squatting properly and going to parrellel is pointless, surely if it was pointless and not real squatting then the greats wouldnt have done ass to grass??
Squatting - Old question but valid. Anyone? Just wondering why guys on here say you gotta go all the way down for it to be 'a proper squat' yet the big legends dont??
Squatting - Old question but valid. you dont need to go atg . if focus is on quad development then do as the greats do but if its power and strength then go wide and deep but this will also give you some great legs .
Squatting - Old question but valid. There's many different variations of the squat, are you talking about a normal squat?
Squatting - Old question but valid. Ok cool, i want to use them mainly for quads so that makes sense. You have said the same as Lee Haney said in his dvd but as it was some years ago i wanted to check.
Squatting - Old question but valid. Yeah just the normal bog standard squat, have watched as many you tube vids of the greats as i can find and they all do it the same way, only powerlifting guys do it differently. Im doing it for quad size mainly so will stick with parrallel then.
Squatting - Old question but valid. check out fred hatfield aka dr squat also tom platz both were kings of squat .
Squatting - Old question but valid. I see people who go down as far as they can but they sort of bounce of the floor which looks to be cheating the concept of it, i usually go just below parrallel which i think are harder, could be wrong though...