Started chatting to some bird at work, long story short we are going for a drink tonight and she's staying at mine I'd bet money that we are going to bang I'm 4 weeks in to my first cycle, I've got two spots so far, one on my chest and one on my d*ck It's smaller and is similar to the one on my chest, GUM clinic, a doctor and a walk-in centre nurse have all told me it's nothing/an every day spot If it happens, how do I explain this to her? Tell her beforehand? Just not tell her? If she sees it tell her I'm on AAS? Help
Spot on d*ck Don't say owt, doubt she will even notice, just make sure its dark.. OR you could always wear a condom. LOL
Spot on d*ck Squeeze the fu*king thing and give it up FFS, My god man l hope you dont ever get anything seriously wrong with you !
Spot on d*ck leave the spot cos your c0ck is obviously so small the spot will make it feel double its normal thickness pmsl
Spot on d*ck I never get spots This is new to me Surely I'm not the only person reluctant to whip out a spotty d*ck on a first date