Sorry if in the wrong section, but just wondering if it is related to any of the "supplements" I'm taking! I started taking Testosterone due to naturally low levels, been on about 250mg per week for about 7 weeks now, along with adex at 1mg e3d and 2 shots of Hcg a week. Could any of the above be affecting my knees? They're both really painful to the point last night I could only squat 60kg for a few reps and had to stop - my max is normally 90kg (don't laugh!!), they've been like this for about a week now. I don't have joint pain anywhere else, and I try to take 6 or 8 fish oil capsules a day. Any thoughts? Maybe just a little rest of my old knees is required!
Sore knees? Hi there take the following and you should see a difference withon 2-3 weeks. Glucosamine and chondratin and MSM with vitamin C You can also take omega 3 6 9 and fish oils. You should use the age old treatment regime of RICE (Rest- Ice-Compression- Elevation ) in between exercise days and avoid high impact workouts until you stabilise the joint. It should also be noted that a deficiency in Vitamin D can cause all manner of joint aches and pains , so try by taking one tab per day or get into the sun (lol ) Increase Vitamin K based foods like brocolli, kale sprouts etc good luck kaza