I don't understand how if I were to eat sugar instead of sweet potatoi it doesn't make a difference... As long as its the same number of carbs it doesn't matter? Can someone explain this to me or link me to a study please
Simple and complex carbs don't matter? Confused! Sources of complex carbs are whole breads, rice, sweet potato and not broccoli.
Simple and complex carbs don't matter? Confused! Wow I'm dumb but that still doesn't answer my question
Simple and complex carbs don't matter? Confused! In terms of carbs it essentially doesn't matter in the healthy population. Broccoli and sugar aren't equivalent nutritional sources, and the implication that they are without first specifying that you're ignoring micronutrients and only focusing on carbs is misleading.
Simple and complex carbs don't matter? Confused! I can get my micronutrients from a multi vitamin, correct? So as long as I take my multi it doesn't make a difference? It just doesn't make sense to me. It goes against everything I've ever learned
Simple and complex carbs don't matter? Confused! *sigh* You've probably learned that simple carbs break down quickly while complex carbs break down slowly. The glycemic index very neatly disproved that theory by showing that simple carbs can break down slower than complex carbs and complex carbs can break down more quickly than simple carbs. Ultimately all carbs are broken down into the same thing, so quibbling over the source is somewhat silly in the absence of other nutrients or concerns about endurance exercise. What you've learned is essentially to avoid refined sugar products for the majority of your diet because they're very likely to be calorie dense and nutrient sparse. This is still good advice. But there's nothing wrong with getting your carbs from fruit as opposed to oatmeal, or even table sugar provided you get sufficient micronutrients from the rest of your diet. Of course, there's the caveat that if you're diabetic the rules change.
Simple and complex carbs don't matter? Confused! Simple carbs provide quick/short energy whilst complex provide a long a steady time of energy
Simple and complex carbs don't matter? Confused! The CHO in a sweat potato is broken down to simply sugar in the body anyway and, thus, in regard to CHO itself, it doesn't make any difference in terms of impact on bodyweight or composition. Micronutrient content is obviously difference from source to source, but that appears beyond the scope of your question.