I just recently came down with a cold and skipped out on working out yesterday. How do you guys cope with a cold? Do you guys just ignore it, tone down your regiment, or rest until you're better?
Sick and working out I deload for the week but still put in some effort. Probably not the brightest idea since it seems to make recovery from both the illness and workout longer but I always feel much better after getting my blood pumping.
Sick and working out I've had great workouts when I walked into the gym feeling like poop and terrible workouts when I walked into the gym feeling great.
Sick and working out I generally try to avoid the gym if I'm sick with anything contagious. Will deload or move to pushups and other body weight exercises at home.
Sick and working out I just have a sore throat. Physically I'm okay except last night when I felt pretty exhausted. Will try and get some cardio in today.
Sick and working out If I strongly suspect that I am coming down with something flu-like I won't go. Not just out of the common decency of not spreading contagion, but because I'd be forever mortified should an explosive event occur. Head-colds I generally will go, but eliminate the cardio if it ends up aggravating a sore throat or whatever.
Sick and working out I was basically comatose the last 3 days, no chance in hell of me doing anything. It's downgraded to about a normal cold today, so vitamin C, caffeine, and working out.