Have ordered some shredded mass but am struggling to find much info about it. Anyone aware of any logs for it? What do I need to take along with the SM, cycle assist or hawthorne berry etc?? Will most probably run nolva as a pct Thanks
Shredded Mass advice needed There's a few logs. but id primarily look at the epi logs in general since this is the steroid in the product. any otc fat burner can only make a small difference, especially compared with a steroid like epi and epi I would run for 6 weeks, not 4. And if running for 6, i would run the nolva as pct just to be sure since you have it
Shredded Mass advice needed Absolutely this. Run it for 6 weeks, you will only have enough for 4. Dont waste money by buying another shredded mass, just by an Epi clone.
Shredded Mass advice needed Above two are spot on. As for cycle support, you can go with an all in one like n2guard or cycle assist. Or dose the seprate ingredients yourself. If you're going to preload cycle supports, you only need to pre load Hawthorn, not an all in one.
Shredded Mass advice needed To be honest Vibora, on Epi I personaly wouldn't consider running either, not at £30 or £50 a pop. Not unless your rolling in it! Hawthorn Berry @ 1g 2 week pre load and throughout. Can't see the benefit of the other ingreedients within the support products on a less harsh steroid like epi. What do you think?
Shredded Mass advice needed Its a bit like should I or shouldn't I wear a seat belt defo would for harsher compounds ,but like you say milder compounds not as necessary ,I read somewhere that under medical trials patients took oxys for 30 weeks
Shredded Mass advice needed Yeah agree with you and capo on this one. I only really mentioned it as OP asked about it in his first post...was actually tying to save him some cash if he was thinking of preloading the lot, lol. Tbh I never really suffer from BP issues, so even forgo Hawthorn on milder cycles.
Shredded Mass advice needed Cheers for the replies guys! Im not rolling in it sadly so am thinking of just running hawthorn berry throughout and then nolva as a PCT? Do I stick off the creatine on cycle and hit it again during pct with some DAA or similar? Lastly, is a four week cycle no good? I was drawn to SM over hdrol as thought I could get away with a shorter cycle!
Shredded Mass advice needed I'd have gone with the hdrol personally Not saying that you wont get results out of 4 weeks, but if you want to get the most out of it then you have to run it longer. Yes Nolva is a PCT standard. 4 weeks on 20/20/10/10 DAA is a nice cheap and proven test booster. 3 grams ed but start in your last week of the PH as it takes a while to kick in.
Shredded Mass advice needed Any recomendations for the cheapest DAA powder would it be somewhere like predator nut 300g for 30 quid ???