Seen the Rock these days? Massive. Got dem der Samoan genetics. His name is still Dwayne Johnson though.
Seen the Rock these days? He's got a bottle of orals in his right hand there hasn't he?! He looks decent fair play
Seen the Rock these days? Hes one big dude How do you lot rate his acting? I think hes improved over the years, been in some big filmzz also
Seen the Rock these days? awesome he would have put a fair bit of training in before wrestlemania. looks like those pesky dbol in his hand
Seen the Rock these days? I think his acting is decent these days. He has had plenty of practise in the ring.
Seen the Rock these days? Lol, if you look carefully it looks like the little vitamin tubs you get from myprotein. Can any Myprotein reps confirm or deny that the rock shops there?