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  • review my new diet

    Discussion in 'Diet & Nutrition' started by jailynn24hb, May 13, 2012.

    1. Magnar

      Magnar Well-Known Member

      Dec 2011
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      review my new diet

      If your trying lean, I'd suggest dropping the olive oil and use coconut oil, its better and add the nuts and CLA at around 4g a day. and Defo add veggie it'll help the body deal with the higher mounts of protein.

      Alot of ppl forget about the veggies and end up with the black rings under the eyes when dieting, which is a sign of the liver and kidneys being put under to much stress from things!!!! and the protein being to high..

      I work on 40g of protein each meal and eat 6 times a day and its working for me!
    2. vijugati8g

      vijugati8g Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      review my new diet

      I think the important thing which helps me stick to what I'm meant to be doing is being able to enjoy what I'm eating....i wouldn't enjoy eating plain chicken rice x4 times a day and would be far more inclined to end up at the chippy,so you have to have a bit fun with it,salads n veggies ect make it all a bit more bearable.
    3. fa2nzg

      fa2nzg Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      review my new diet

      Easy mate iv done this sort of dieting for over a year now and its worked quite well, only change in this diet really is less carbs and more protein along with cutting out my gainer shakes I also have no salt and no sugar in my diet

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