Hi all, I thought I would share with you a reply from the Home Office regarding a letter I sent to them on 13/03/2011 regarding the Importation of Steroids for Personal Use. Im going to be working on my reply this week. Best Regards
Reply from the Home Office regarding Steroids Ah you left tracked changes on so your name is still there mate...
Reply from the Home Office regarding Steroids Can somebody paste the content here please. I don't like to download .doc files from unknown sources.
Reply from the Home Office regarding Steroids Direct Communications Unit 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF Switchboard: 020 7035 4848 - Fax: 020 7035 4745 - Textphone: 020 7035 4742 E-mail: public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk - Website: www.homeoffice.gov.uk 13 April 2012 Reference: T4407/12 Dear Mr ........ Thank you for your email of 14 March about the Government’s latest announcements on anabolic steroids. Your email has been passed to the Drugs and Alcohol Unit and I have been asked to respond. The Government’s independent expert advisers, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), highlighted in its 2010 report (‘Consideration of the Anabolic Steroids’ available at http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publica...eroids-report/) its concerns about the increasing use and popularity of anabolic steroids for the purposes of body building and image enhancement by the general public, in particular young people. It recommended that anabolic steroids should remain Class C drugs under the 1971 Act and while there should continue to be no possession offence for personal use, the legal framework needs to be strengthened to reduce availability via the importation of anabolic steroids not intended for medical use. The Government accepted the ACMD’s recommendations to restrict the importation of anabolic steroids for personal administration to personal custody and to remove the term “medicinal product†from the legislation to provide clarity and support better enforcement of the legislation at the borders. Adopting these changes will help to prevent any exploitation of the legislation by suppliers and traffickers who will want to profit from importing anabolic steroids, particularly in the run up to the 2012 Olympics. The Statutory Instrument which implements these changes was laid in Parliament on 30 March and will come into force on 23 April 2012. From this date, any importation of anabolic steroids for personal use must be carried out in person through UK borders. Any importation through postal, courier or freight services will become illegal and will be liable to seizure and further investigation by the UK Border Force. We advise that any person suffering from a medical condition requiring medication in the form of anabolic steroids should obtain their medicines via their healthcare provider who will make a professional judgment based on clinical need. Anabolic steroids can also have adverse effects on health if misused. The FRANK website www.talktofrank.com provides detailed information about anabolic steroids and the effects of their use. A copy of the statutory instrument amending the legislation on steroids with its accompanying documents (explanatory memorandum and impact assessment) is available on the UK’s legislation website at www.legislation.gov.uk. Yours sincerely, Desmond Niimoi Drugs and Alcohol Unit
Reply from the Home Office regarding Steroids Daaaayyyymmmm... thanks for letting me know bro...hopefully it shouldnt be showing now : )
Reply from the Home Office regarding Steroids Do us a favour bro and take out my email and name. Ive altered the attachment accordingly.
Reply from the Home Office regarding Steroids How comes mr Spock is working for the home office. Not even a good disguise