M really sick of the old pieces of crap coming in my store and asking for raspberry ketones like its a miracle pill that is better than ephedra. Anybody have any feedback on it? I wanna try it for S+Gs but I don't wanna blow my money on it. The only studies that I know of have we're done on lab rats. Not even humans. Any ideas?
Rasberry ketones I noticed nothing with it at the recommended doses. Supposedly you have to dose higher, 500-1000mg. I read however that it has anti-androgenic properties so I lost all interest in it.
Rasberry ketones As a stand alone product? Won't see much from it. As an addition to a fat burning stack containing something like this: DCP/TTA/LX/Reduce XT... i could see the ketones having an impact. I've not seen a study on Raspberry Ketones and anti androgenic issues, if anyone has a source i'd be interested.
Rasberry ketones From my post on another board: "It is not. The study in question was done in vitro as opposed to the rat studies done on lipolysis, which are certainly of signficantly greater merit. Also, here is PA's take on RKs and anti-androgens: "your hypothalamus has androgen receptors. it also has estrogen and progesterone receptors, and all of these will bind to circulating sex hormones. When they bind and activate they initiate the negative feedback signal. If you block them and prevent their activation then you will block the negative feedback and your sex hormone production will go up i think you just forgot the fact that your HPTA works via receptors" ^He is basically saying that T production will go up (which is theoretically beneficial given the HL of RKs). Now I'm not entirely sure if that applies to what we are doing, but consider this: Green Tea Extract is estrogenic IN VIVO (rats and cancer patients). This should be of a much larger concern than RKs, yet this is overlooked simply because Green Tea Extract has SO MANY benefits in spite of its low oral bioavailability. The same applies to RKs, though in my opinion, the pros (overall health + potential as a lipolytic agent) outweigh the possible cons to an even further degree. If you are concerned about possible androgen antagonism (which I feel you should not be, based on the single in vitro study), I would simply supplement LCLT to increase androgen receptor density. Either way, the difference is transient and really not worth noting."
Rasberry ketones Ahhhh, great advice. LCLT would be a fantastic addition to RK use. Didn't even think about that.
Rasberry ketones The first product I noticed RK's in was Ergopharm AMP2 a few years back. Great product. They got bought out by Ergogenix and now it's called Ergoburn-NT, but they replaced 1,3 DMAA with Tyramine. Weak if you ask me.
Rasberry ketones If you're looking for a higher RK dose, check out SNS RK-500. 500mg-1g daily seems to work well in conjunction with caffeine and ephedrine.
Rasberry ketones Thanks. I'm starting Alpha T2 tomorrow, I may add RK to the mix. If I do I'll go with SNS definitely.