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  • Question about intermittent fasting

    Discussion in 'Diet & Nutrition' started by jailynn24hb, Jul 7, 2012.

    1. vijugati8g

      vijugati8g Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Question about intermittent fasting

      Lyle McDonald:

      Assuming the diet is set up appropriately (adequate protein) with the right kind of training (heavy weight training as discussed in Weight Training for Fat Loss, muscle loss actually turns out to be minimal or zero. I know this runs counter to the commonly held belief but it’s 100% true (as people following my The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook properly have demonstrated).

      Certainly early research suggested that bigger deficits and very low caloric intakes led to more muscle loss but invariably they had inadequate protein and didn’t have weight training as part of the program. When someone is on 300 cal/day and half of that is carbs, well, that’s only 40 grams of protein. Of course muscle is lost, but not because calories are low per se; rather it’s because the diet is set up stupidly.


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