Pulling girls from the gym!! It was a nightmare for me, i pulled a woman who worked at my old gym......mind you she was the 64 year old cleaner
Pulling girls from the gym!! Will be pretty slim for me as i go to a real gym where you dont find girls
Pulling girls from the gym!! i got a girls number by exchanging looks and then cahtting to her a bit in the sauna's / hotub. never made anything of it though because ive got agf and only took the number to massage my ego. same as anywhere mate if you get the looks start talking. simple formula.
Pulling girls from the gym!! Lol call it me being bored lol, same goes for the ladies ever been pulled at the gym or done the pulling!!!l
Pulling girls from the gym!! You go to the gym to work out, not to pick up girls Stuff like that shouldn't matter or be on your mind when you're physically bettering yourself