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  • Protecting your HPTA on AAS

    Discussion in 'Anabolic Zone' started by Canellesao, Mar 5, 2012.

    1. defelqy

      defelqy Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Protecting your HPTA on AAS

      Currently reading william llewelyn's anabolics 9th edition moster of a book but very informative will have to read it many time to get my head around it all.... I have currently not ran a cycle.

      Anyway back to the thread from what I understand clomid and nolva stop estrogen binding but amridex stops it lowers it in the first instance.....from my understanding some estrogen is benficial so wouldn't taking an ai whilst on deminish the results of your muscle gain on cycle?

      Great thread btw
    2. Canellesao

      Canellesao Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Protecting your HPTA on AAS

      I also want to add women produce testosterone as well as men, but at about 1/10th the amount from the adrenal glands.
      We also produce testosterone without the testicles much the same way as women, so our numbers even shutdown will look the same.

      One other thing that was not addressed was adrenal burnout.
      Even testosterone converts to DHT.
      DHT is a CNS stimulant, and long cycles tend to burn out the adrenal glands, so some time off would be needed for adrenal recovery, for lipid profiles, and among other systems in the body.
    3. remstation

      remstation Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Protecting your HPTA on AAS

      Yes, it is necessary, for mood, libido, bone density, lipid profiles, among other things.
      Crushing estrogen would not be good for you, or your muscles.

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