Last 4 weeks I've been pinning 2ml of star labs test e 300 with my training partner with no problems. This week we pinned 2ml each out of a brand new prochem test e 300 vial and just home the day with a bottle of antibiotics to take away the infection.
Prochem test e 300 infection!!! Never usedpro chem but I've not heard ever about any infections......IME most people get infections from poor jab technique......mainly not jabbing deep enough so the oil doesn't disperse, is the main culprit...
Prochem test e 300 infection!!! I used a bottle of test e last year and never had any problems. PIP yes but that was from me being wobbly and new to jabbing. Same with the tri-test I'm using now, no issues. Probs poor/unsterile technique. Did you jab straight after the gym? If so I have heard of someone jabbing a sweaty muscle and getting an infection from the sweat in the wound.
Prochem test e 300 infection!!! theres been a couple threads recently regatding pc test blends giving infections #worrying... i was planning using them on next cycle, might just go with wildcat now though..... ps robsta what labs do you tend to use?
Prochem test e 300 infection!!! I always used to use original BD, Now I use GB as I get it cheaper than most, knowing someone high up the chain. Does what it says and never had a problem with it, apart from the pip when they first started, which is now pain free, thank fcuk...I would use most labs nowadays if I got them the same price tbf... Don't really have a preference, I'll keep using GB till I have a reason not to...