I've been having trouble with flies in my flat recently and its driving me insane. I live on the top floor of a converted victorian and its a very warm flat. So in summer I need to keep the windows open. However as soon as I do swarms of flies come straight in and staying for ages! Im scared to leave food unguarded for 30 seconds while I go for a ****! Is there anything I could do to deter / kill them? I'm not overly keen on them sticky things that hang from the roof as I dont want a big strip of dead flies hanging from my roof. Fly spray is pointless as I want to actually be in the living room most of the day! Any ideas? The flat is clean. Don't have any rotting animal carcasses or anything bringing them in! They are just doing it to try and **** me off, and succeeding!
Problem with Flies! get a fly screen type thing to let the cool air in but keep the flies out. have you got a tree oustide your window? ive noticed whilst mountain biking that there are alot of trees at the mo which are totally infested with tiny black flies which swarm around the tree in their thousands.
Problem with Flies! Clean your flat so it dosen't attract them I always use fly spray my self, i get them bad sometimes at my gaff
Problem with Flies! Get one of these. Set it off as you're going out. Come home. Hey presto!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Growing-Su...ht_2402wt_1139
Problem with Flies! I had a Similar problem last week. Must had had at least 15 of the biggest cnuts come to my yard thinkin its all good to chill buy the Windows and fly from room to room. The pricks were so big the weren't even scared... Didn't bother flyin off when I walked past, just sat there as if they owned the place. All I did was shut the doors and windows, got one of my house mates T shirts and slapped the fcukers silly then fed them to the dogs. Hope this helps
Problem with Flies! Its just you,you're a dirty bastard......stop sweating Yellow and they will soon fcuk off..... .. or leave them a line out by the chicken fillets.