I'll blast mine. Posted in this section as I felt you guys are more likely to be aware if such characters exist. I don't have the motivation to train calves at all as mine attach at a very high point (dem genetics) and I've never seen a pic of someone with big calves like that. I need to know it's possible before I will be able to motivate myself to blast it. All the pics I've seen of people who successfully grew their calves had calf attachments in the mid lower leg, not like mine. Is it even possible fellas? Is there any point in me training calves? Pics like this are just so demotivating ...
Plz show me an IFBB pro with HUGE calves with a high insertion point and ... You play the cards you're dealt and ignoring certain muscles because of a lack of motivation won't get you far. If you want motivation in a way look at Wolf and imagine yourself becoming like that if you slack off.
Plz show me an IFBB pro with HUGE calves with a high insertion point and ... Anything can be improved on regardless of your insertions.
Plz show me an IFBB pro with HUGE calves with a high insertion point and ... Not the highest but they're not exactly inserting at his ankle
Plz show me an IFBB pro with HUGE calves with a high insertion point and ... Would you ever train a muscle if you believed there was no chance of them growing significantly? I blast everything else because I know it will respond to training. I'm not actually convinced my calves will respond to training. How do I train them with that level of demotivation? I'm just asking for that motivation. Just ONE picture of someone with big calves with a high insertion point is all I need.
Plz show me an IFBB pro with HUGE calves with a high insertion point and ... Ronnie's calves are more demotivating than motivating to me ... What that tells me is that the level of training and supplementation I would need to get calves that 'big' = the level of training and supplementation I would need to get quads that 'big' i.e. proportionally speaking, my calves will always look tiny compared to my quads. Also, his attach slightly lower so at least there is the seperation between the back of his knee and his calves.
Plz show me an IFBB pro with HUGE calves with a high insertion point and ... Giving up before you even start. Killer attitude.
Plz show me an IFBB pro with HUGE calves with a high insertion point and ... Yes, i look like dog **** and yet i keep doing exercises for the sake of not getting worse. My tris are up fairly high like JoJ over there, does it make any sense to disregard them because of that? What you're asking for is for us to show you a calf that looks like a bulging egg - because that's what would happen if you kept growing a muscle with a very short insertion. I don't look up to others and have no idols, i use only myself to base improvements on so can't get into the psychology behind "motivation". You either do work and grow/maintain or you don't and atrophy. And atrophy sucks balls.
Plz show me an IFBB pro with HUGE calves with a high insertion point and ... This is Victor, not Ronnie... as far as the calves are concernec, mine are pretty high but they are big. I train them quite a lot. Good luck, it's easy with proper training.
Plz show me an IFBB pro with HUGE calves with a high insertion point and ... I was thinking Vic too... But then I thought, wait theyre probably full of oil.