I just started taking a capsule that has 25mg of halodrol, 15mg of tren and 10mg of superdrol. Last night i took 1 and today I took 2. Will i need to do a post cycle if i stop?. I have pes erase, andro free test stack, and noestrogen. I HAD NO CLUE WHAT I WAS GETTING INTO. I'm 20 years old turn 21 in July. Please explain to me how I can stop this. I'm 6'0 177lbs around 7.8% body fat have been working out since around 150 pounds. I need to know so I can start post cycle this morning. I took 2g of milk thistle each day, have the triflex joint support package, I also took 9g of omega 3 fish oil each day. I bought 200mg vitamin b6 pills along with 500mg taurine and vitex for post cyle.
PLEASE HELP SCARED WANT TO STOP I will send you the picture of the ingredients on the bottle if you want man, I swear on my life I've never tried this **** before.
PLEASE HELP SCARED WANT TO STOP Should I take my pct before I go back to sleep will it take long to go back to normal???
PLEASE HELP SCARED WANT TO STOP I dont think you need to start post cycle bro. You shouldn't be shut down already. I'm no doctor though.
PLEASE HELP SCARED WANT TO STOP Just don't take it anymore. You should be fine, its only been 2 days. You might want to save that stuff if you have some kind of rat infestation though. Its basically rat poison.
PLEASE HELP SCARED WANT TO STOP if youv only been taking it 1 or 2 days why would you need any pct? whyd you take it if you didnt want it? very odd to me
PLEASE HELP SCARED WANT TO STOP I know I'm a new membermy only friend who's been on gear is the one who sold it to me. I can't afford to make this mistake man. I've wasted alot of money on supplements to protect myself when I finally realized I'd rather waste the money then keep taking the PH.