do you know any free software to re-size pics? I have try a few but they all have a catch, like lots of other worthless tools which I don't want in my lapy or limited function if I don't pay, etc etc thanks in advance oh... by the way now that I am at it..... do anyone know if I can download youtube vids with realplayer?
picture re-sizer If you've got microsoft office, then microsoft office picture manager does this as well as compress pics. Download youtube video's with real player? People still use real player? lol Just download it as avi then use vlc.
picture re-sizer Image Resizer Powertoy Clone for Windows Prish Image Resizer!128.entry VSO Image Resizer
picture re-sizer Thanks a lot mate, I have just google it and found that tool, just before I download the software, do you know if I have to re=size one by one or is there an option to re-size entire folder?
picture re-sizer don't have office yet, waiting for a free doggy coy regarding the real player, I got it now cheers anyway
picture re-sizer I know that method but is time consuming, I was more looking for a software that allow me to re-size multiple pics with one click for email them