last week end was my brothers stag do in dublin it was a bloody laugh we had 9 of us in one room. we thought but when we got there we where sharing with 9 more mixed sexs you can image the smell from the room .could not be leave the price of larger 5.60 euros a pint on the way back at the air port one of the lads said look there is peter andre .we said to him any chance of a photo with you .he came over and said do you think I'm going to say no looking at the size of you .lol he put he arm around my shoulder and said bloody hell i would not like to upset you. hes a nice bloke not stuck up like some of them...
pete andre That's one of the ****ing coolest stories I have ever heard. Can you tell it again but in black and white? I really want some more detail.
pete andre My mrs and mother in law LOVE him lol! Mother in law especially, think she would eat him alive given half a chance! I bought them tickets to see him in concert this year for an xmas present, gives me a nights peace and quiet at least. Cool story brah./