hey so like everyday for breakfast I eat half a piece of wholewheat bread, a banana, natural peanut butter and low sugar jam (5g sugar). Im currently trying to cut so is this good to be eating everyday first thing in the morning? calories: bread=110 PB= 70 jam= 10 banana= 100? so around 300 calories, is that too high? anything i should add or take out? thanks!
pb and j calorie wise its ok since im trying to hit under 1700 cals. i should be getting less carbs and more protein though but i dont have too many meat and proteins in the house so the pb and bread comes to like 8 grams.
pb and j go buy some protein powder, protein = arguably most influential macronutrient on body composition/most important with regards to lifting
pb and j o well i got a ton of protein powder but protein powder is proccessed and i already take a scoop after my workout so i would think too much of that fake stuff isnt good?
pb and j how many scoops a day would you recomend for protin powder? its only like 120 cals per scoop. should i make this a meal replacement and have it with milk with a piece of fruit on the side?
pb and j No because i cant figure out my calorie maintenance needs. I did one of those calculators and it said 2900 calories which cant be right at all. how did you figure out your bmr?