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  • Need MASS work for BIGGER TRIS

    Discussion in 'Diet & Nutrition' started by FLEX, Aug 26, 2012.

    1. Raleoxilevz

      Raleoxilevz Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Need MASS work for BIGGER TRIS

      I have decent tri's which I attribute in large part to my powerlifting training. Heavy benching, heavy close grips, heavy dips. But I always struggle to get a real good pump in my tri's, whether I'm training as a BB'er or a PL'er. The one exercise that really crushes my tri's and allows me to go heavy as well is reverse grip bench. I do like to pre-exhaust my tri's with a couple sets of high reps with something like cable pushdowns first so that I don't have to quite as heavy on the reverse grip bench.
    2. defelqy

      defelqy Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Need MASS work for BIGGER TRIS

      Remember bro that u use your tricpes in all pressing movments. Now that can be alot of stress with 2 extra tri specific workouts. But as with most things BodyBuilding releted it defers from person to person. But recovery can be left to a different Thread. As with most bodyparts start with a big movment (Squats-Legs, Bench-Chest). So either the close-grip bench, dip or overheard raise(DB or BB). The Tricep is made up of 3 different muscles, So, just like if u have a week upper chest u would do incline bench, do ur laggin area's 1st. I personally do:
      Seated EZ Extensions 4x10
      Skullcrushers 3x10
      Reverse-grip cable pushdown 3x12
    3. Canellesao

      Canellesao Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Need MASS work for BIGGER TRIS

      I have tried virtually everything because i had the same problem and eventually the routine that made my arms grow like crazy is this:

      Scull-crushers: 6x10 reps
      Two arm dumbbell extensions behind the head: 6x10 reps

      Barbell Curls: 6x10 reps
      Alternate Dummbell Curls: 6x10 reps

      90"-120" are more than enough to rest between sets (but not less than that)

      Use very good form and take advantage of the negative part of the motion (3sec) and 1-2 sec for the eccentric part of the movement.

      The split I use is this:

      Monday: Chest+Front and side delts
      Tuesday: Back, Traps, Rear Delts
      Wednesday: RestThursday: Legs+Hamstrings
      Friday: Arms
      Weekend: Rest
    4. baletki

      baletki Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Need MASS work for BIGGER TRIS

      Stick to big movements like weighted dips, skulls (decline, flat, and even incline), close grip ben, 1-arm oh ext, etc.

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