ive used a neck harness now and then and have gained a bit of size its went from 16" to 17" but now when training in the gym normally when im tensing to push out my last reps i feel as if my necks pressing on my wind pipe almost making my gag and wrech. anyone else get this?? im thinking its down to my neck getting bigger?
necks no but I do have sleep apnea form my 19 inch neck pain in the ass and dont even train neck or traps
necks like leaning my head too far back, i notice on rows yesterday.... im not putting my chin to my chest sort of thing...
necks thats my goal mate lol a mike tyson neck 19 1/2" incher would be sweet on my 14-15stone frame lol
necks I get it looks pretty mean but it really is horrible having a thick neck It really not healthy at all
necks I've got a 19 inch neck as well Rick but don't have any negative effects from it. Maybe it's because I've got a big head to go with it
necks would take a canny punch to knock you out with a 19incher tho dude lol so has its benifits aswell havin a strong neck, iv seen alot of greco wrestlers get droped on there head etc and its no problem to them as there necks solid and huge lol, a big necks also a powerfull look i think, better than apencil neck getn knocked out off a slap lol
necks i gained an 1" in 4weeks during my neck harness work on testp/win eod cycle last year, and even tho ive not trained it since iv not lost any size off it, so ive got 2" to go to catch you's up lol.
necks A thick head helps as well lol. I've never directly trained my neck, just the usual deads and very occasional shrugs.