im online guys as u all know i fought my cousin martintom on saturday and what im about to say takes a man to say he beat me i got knocked down i didnt win i lost money but im proud to say i lasted around half hour fighting with him and ild gladly do it again win or loose its now up to my brother who was ment to fight on the same day but beacuse mine was so long he will fight at another aranged time he will will aswell i went into the hospital with borken jaw nose ands eye socket and the usual bruises but i came out erlier probally the worst beaten i have ever recived in my life but im here and im admittin to you all i lost cos i could of easily lied to you all and told you i won but i dint so wats the pont no one else could of lasted that long with a man of my cousins cababiltys like i did and i will challange him agian in the future and i will continue to untill i win no matter how long it takes
my fight update Reps. Takes a true man to admit when they are beaten. I wish you a speedy recovery bro- a lot of people were geniunely concerned about you mate- just check the thread I started.
my fight update Good on you for admitting defeat mate Fair play for taking a hell of a beating too by the sound of it!
my fight update i have no pictures of me or any videos of the fight but someone showen me a picture of my cousin who posted a picture of him on his facebook page i do not have facebook so cant acsess this but can ask someone to send it to me
my fight update broken jaw is a pain in the backside to live with, cant even chew soup i hated it. Is there a video of it John ? cant win em all is how you stand back that counts