As above.... I need a fresh start, need to get out of Hull. Anyone want to help? Serious question by the way! ......I'll await all the flaming but atm I can't see a way out apart from a fresh start
My Desperate attempt to get taken under someones wing.... Why? What's going wrong? As harsh as it sounds sometimes you just need to get a grip of yourself Whatever is going on can't be that bad surely..... Ps, you're not crashing at mine, I've got a woman who whinges already!
My Desperate attempt to get taken under someones wing.... If you're upset about something, lets try & sort it out mate srs. We always have a choice, well mostly.
My Desperate attempt to get taken under someones wing.... Honestly. Best place to speek about sh1t like this on this forum is the streight thread. You'll see what I mean when u get in there bro
My Desperate attempt to get taken under someones wing.... That sounds like good advice Best advice on the net I'll have you know!
My Desperate attempt to get taken under someones wing.... Except the time u tricked me into thinking 'hide the sausage' was a food based game cnut
My Desperate attempt to get taken under someones wing.... Except the time u tricked me into thinking 'hide the sausage' was a food based game cnut Pmsl!!!
My Desperate attempt to get taken under someones wing.... I run a firm in london, you can join us, you will have to run a few 'errands' etc but you will be part of us for life..