i am going to run this what do u all think weeks 1-4 test prop @ 1ml eod weeks 1-4 winny @ 50mg each day weeks 1-8 anavar @100mg a day weeks 1-10 test 400 2ml a week
my cutting cycle please feel free to take the pi$$ also hcg and aromasin for all u haters out there lol and pct.......
my cutting cycle please feel free to take the pi$$ hope so its the last push for a 6 pack so diet is gonna be spot on !!!!
my cutting cycle please feel free to take the pi$$ Awesome mate hope you get the results!! Ouch, 100mg var every day gonna be pricey!! When you starting?
my cutting cycle please feel free to take the pi$$ Why not run the winny for the same length as var? I would use clen and t3 throughout 2days on 2 days off
my cutting cycle please feel free to take the pi$$ im gonna be on 250g of protein.... 200g of carbs and about 50g of fat 6am 2 scoops of glutamine & 3 mile run 7am 2 scoops whey with 40grams of oats, 3 eggs and spinach 10am chicken breast brocolli and 2 rice cakes 1pm chicken rice and silced green beans 4pm fish rice and green veg preworkout hemo rage 630 train post workout 2 scoops of whey 8pm fish and green veg what do u reckon
my cutting cycle please feel free to take the pi$$ i may add in clen and t3 not yet decided i dont want to go over board