im wanting to use 700mg tren a ew with my ttm blend, what is the upper limit you guys would use or whats your range? most ive used is 400mg tren e or 350mg tren a, so its a big bump up this 6week blast (blast for me personally) but i dont wana turn into a prick. this heats getn me a bit iritated on dnp so im not even on tren yet, just hope it dont effect me like it does some plus its going to be summer when, cycle plan is: 200mg test p eod 200mg tren a eod 200mg mast p eod contunue my eq bump upto 1g ew and 100mg winstrol biggest cycle iv ran so far, coming off a test/deca/eq bulk cycle with 3week dnp cut then 6week blast lean bulk on the above. i think im thinking too much atm and the heats irritating me so im thinking if the dnp is effcting me will the tren lol. im sure those doses ive ran before didnt but i ran tren years ago. i just dont wna turn into a heated prick from the higher end doses
max tren youve had per week I've used a TriTren mix 180mg/ml and I've pinned 1ml EOD, works out 630mg per week Leaned me up good and proper!
max tren youve had per week Did 500mg and 300mg previous to that. No doubt 700mg would be very good a fat would melt off. Just if you can hack the sides???
max tren youve had per week only sides i get or noticed from the lower dose iv used is shutdown and limp dick so the equal amount of mast should sort that out also going to run caber+adex to combat est and prolactin, havent go it in yet will in a week or 2 then im set
max tren youve had per week main worry is im getting with a new lass shes great and i dont wana spoil it if the tren makes me all weird n snappy cos she will just fuk me clean off if i was single then id have no prob running it. just iv read some guys do change on it
max tren youve had per week I've ran it at 400mg a week mate, and tbh, I reckon it mellowed me out! Considering I spent 18 months in anger management & therapy post Afghan, the Wife reckons those 10 weeks were my most mellow LOL!!! Slight insomnia, and sweats got me at night, nowt a nytol and an open window couldn't fix though... Reckon I'll go for 600mg next.... If this lass is any good mate, I'd drop the dnp....
max tren youve had per week I tried 700mg once, i lasted about 10 days.... it does change your mental way of thinking, i met my Mrs for a cup of coffee and somehow knew it was a bad idea, we had something to discuss, before i even got there i knew it was a bad idea and it ended up me standing up shouting, and storming out... getting in the car and thinking "why the fcuk did i even go" as i just knew i had a short fuse that day, which is very unlike me with women
max tren youve had per week hmmm maybe all get seperate vials just incase, this is the reason iv posted to find out plus the summer head etc making it werse???????.... maybe 500mg will do me then lol
max tren youve had per week I ran it for 12 weeks and it does affect you mentally I wouldn't say I got aggresive but seemed to have 'not give a f**k' attitude