Not even sure why I opted for calve, got bored of quads and thought I know looks like plenty of room in there!! So 1.5 ml of test 400 went in with regretably a 5/8" orange. I don't think it's gone in deep enough and two days later it's like this It is starting to get warm and smarts a little when I walk. anything I can do or do I have to ride it out??
made a mess of calve injection I would go doctors and say you got caught against a nail or something!
made a mess of calve injection i'd try the really hot bath and massage and see how it feels later-if it gets worse get up to a&e-did you inject on the inside of the leg (can't tell from pic)
made a mess of calve injection why?? if you go doc's you have to be truthfull i dont get why so many on here are scared to discuss use with there doc when it is so important?
made a mess of calve injection I have recently done a few calve injections, using slin pins, do shorter again and had no problems, though its short esters. As said get it checked out encase its infected
made a mess of calve injection incase the op was worried about that....personally i would tell the doctor everything
made a mess of calve injection You can just see the puncture mark about half way down the redness, like a little red spot. FFS, I'm two days away from a doctor as I'm working away from home. I'll try getting it hot and massaging it.
made a mess of calve injection if you think its infected mate go straight to a&e and see if you can get some antibiotics-if the pain is not like normal pip go get it checked
made a mess of calve injection I've been doing the same, but then again I do have pretty lean calves. The tren still likes to take its good time in being injected tho lol