I've been on a cut, been eating clean for an entire month, I'm endomorph so body is unforgiving with carbs, the starchiest carbs I've been eating are beans and sweet potato. Last night I went out with some of my friends, had a dozen wings, and a medium stromboli (probably has like 300 grams of carbs I'd imagine) lots of unhealthy fat, then I had 12 beers to top it off! Now I feel bloated, I went from a size 42 waist to 38 and now the 38 is snug. Do you guys recommend a way to counteract this act of weakness? Should I eliminate beans and sweet potatoes for like 2 or 3 days and only eat green carbs? Thanks
Made a huge mistake It's just one meal; not the end of the world. I do worse than what you described at least once a week.
Made a huge mistake Stay on your normal diet, if you try to compensate by eliminating other things you're just more likely to cheat again. Stay on your normal diet and eventually you'll be back to where you were.
Made a huge mistake Thanks Thought I did irreversible damage, being endormorphic sucks seems like one trip up is the end of the world
Made a huge mistake haha dont think its debunked, my body has to produce tons of insulin to get my blood sugar levels stable, I dont think its BroScience or bull****, I think its a logical explanation of physiological processes that certain people body's have harder or easier times losing weight. I'm more endo-mesmo, I gain muscle real easy but also fat, so it sucks, I have tracked my diet and workouts over two years, and the endo theory supports carb sensitivity for me anyway, when my daily carbs go over my "sweet spot" number by Bf % goes up
Made a huge mistake ecto/meso/endo ^ byinlarge all are just excuses people make for not taking the appropriate action to change their bodies. Sure our metabolic clocks are all set to a slightly different timer, but nobody violates the basic laws of "thermodynamics". Claims of "carb sensitivity" are generally moot. They give you the same 4kcal/gm to you that they give to me.
Made a huge mistake If you train hard and correctly, and eat as best as possible, those will get you far, but genetics will always win unless you're unnatural
Made a huge mistake fat people have fat cells that are resistant to putting on more fat hence even easier for a fat person to gain muscle. thats not anything special. chubbies are also more likely to way overeat to build muscle, and being a chubster gives you free lbm (connective tissue, and huge legs to support your fatness) read the science in this http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat...ng-fat-qa.html you're not special and there are no special types of humans.