Are they the last to go? I've been dieting down for the last 6 weeks and making great progress, except in my back, side, waist area. I know spot fat reduction isn't possible but is it genetics or what?
Love Handles Worst area for a guy man, that'll be the last place it comes off in most places. I know that feel. All you can do is keep cutting.
Love Handles Lower belly fat and love handles are generally the "stubborn fat" areas on men and thus the last to go, yes.
Love Handles crazy, i have like ZERO love handles...and I've been cutting from 291 pounds. I just have an annoying pouch of fat on my lower stomach that wants to permanently live there
Love Handles I have love handles that drive me nuts also. I can see some reduction in them so far, but not enough for my liking yet lol.
Love Handles They are indeed the last place to go. On my cuts I can count all 6 abs before the last of that lower back fat finally goes away.
Love Handles It's really discouraging to see my back shot, when I'm seeing progress every where else. I guess I just need to keep on grinding and cutting away! Fugh!