So looking at purchasing a DVD but this is possibly the best DVD ever. 'Commando' with Arnie On Blue ray it's unedited. On normal DVD it's edited to fcuk So. Do I buy a blue ray player only to watch this awesome film? Probably won't ever buy a blue ray DVD ever again. Discuss.
Life or death scenario Go all out get blu ray player as it wont be long till dvd's gather dust next to vcr's..get ahead of the game my man Plus you will notice the difference in quality
Life or death scenario I would say collect a ps3 for the price of a blue ray player pay a bit more get the ps and u can play games when your bored to youd only see the diffrence in blue ray if you got a decent tv to mate
Life or death scenario Buy the player s you will buy more blu ray discs when you see the difference Trust me
Life or death scenario You can buy it from Germany. Just change the language back to English. Result 1 Unedited commando DVD in English.