Let's solve this once and for all! ZYZZ Never heard of him til I joined this site. Not a fanboy either.
Let's solve this once and for all! ZYZZ Oh I dont mind him. People just dont like the 1223243445235435634 threads regarding Zyzz. He had a sick physique and everyone wants to have something similar now, except me
Let's solve this once and for all! ZYZZ Well to be honest I was never into their music but will admit that they did have mighty impressive beards. Where are Zz nowadays?
Let's solve this once and for all! ZYZZ the guy had a good physique but i aint a fan, i'm starting to hate the guy coz of all these threads about him.
Let's solve this once and for all! ZYZZ TBF I don't think people hate on him, it's just his arrogant attitude that made him look like a tool!
Let's solve this once and for all! ZYZZ If people want to idolise a drug abuser that put himself 6 feet under by the time he was 22 then more fool them.
Let's solve this once and for all! ZYZZ Drug abuser? You're on a body building forum, did you watch him inject and the doses he took? .. Also he died from an undiagnosed heart condition according to the news. "An autopsy revealed a previously undiagnosed congenital heart defect."