I know sometimes I'm like a nanny but over the past couple weeks two bros took a dive. Both heavy users. One I never heard of over on GetBig. Guy had a massive heart attack and dropped dead. I think he was in his early 50s and hitting the juice pretty hard. There were post of his pic up. One of his full body back shot and his lower legs were purple. Not a good sign. The other guy is Derek Anthony of RxMuscle fame hot head controversial. Makes money off his physique. Was a decent amateur BBER in his 20s. Self described former sick abuser multigram cycler per week. Tons of orals and tons of GH and oils. A few years ago he had liver cysts. About 2 weeks ago he had a mild heart attack brought on by kidney falure. Now he's on dialysis. Claims he has been on TRT like doses for a couple years now but who knows. BP has been a huge problem for him.. hereditary and all so probably predisposed at least to part of his problems. Just mild your habits guys. I don't like to see anybody go down.
just a heads up Exactly. This is the outcome I see when someone is asking to bump to a gram or over a gram. I always think " when will the bumping stop?" once you set foot on that path it's tough to turn back... Rip to our fallen bro's
just a heads up Man when I think of the cycles we did in the 80s compared to today it's like night and day. The abusers back then were the outliers. Today everyone is on a couple grams a week. It was typical back then in the 80s to do a shot of something once a week and a few pills a day. Then go off after 12 weeks for a good 3 months. By yesterday's standards I guess I am an abuser now going up to a gram a week sometimes.
just a heads up Great thread Glyco. When you think about it, running reasonable doses over a long period of time will get you the same, probably MORE gains in the long run. And be much healthier.
just a heads up never went over 750mgs test, 400 mgs deca. Ive been using 13 yrs total and never had any issues as of yet. I typically stat around 500mgs test these days and still get good results. Thanx for the read brotha!
just a heads up Here is a link to the get big thread. Thre is actually talk about a number of guys that dropped. Don't mean to be a scare monger here. Just posting up what's been going on. Big bloated juicer at my gym died of heart attack