Is this a bad breakfast? Spreading inaccurate information. If this was true, how would you explain strength increases in programs like lean gains
Is this a bad breakfast? your body may not break down muscle for just skipping breakfast, but your body needs Glucose to function properly, so the longer you put that off the more it negatively effects you. there arnt many nutrition plans that tell you to skip breakfast, i understand there are "lean" plans but why do that to your body?
Is this a bad breakfast? Intermittent fasting does not affect whole-body glucose, lipid or protein metabolism. See:
Is this a bad breakfast? that is a interesting study, there are studies that contradict that as well, we all have our different goals, if you want to skip breakfast go for it but i believe in a well balanced diet to keep all levels of nutrients at a balanced rate. There is more evidence that says breakfast is good for your diet than not.
Is this a bad breakfast? Please post. And try not to include any survey/epidemiological studies that are unable to prove causation. kthx