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  • Is exercise as much about mental health as it is about physical health?

    Discussion in 'General Chat' started by MarkB, Jan 14, 2019.

    1. MarkB

      MarkB Administrator Staff Member

      Aug 2016
      Likes Received:
      I know that there is a lot of focus on the physcial benefits of exercise and fitness but I feel that there is just as much potential mental health improvement to be gained as well. Do you feel better about yourself the fitter you become?
    2. Newstarter

      Newstarter Well-Known Member

      Aug 2016
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      If you feel good about yourself then you are likely to have a better outlook on life. Its sounds corny but its true :)
    3. Myjourney

      Myjourney Well-Known Member

      Aug 2017
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      To be honest I actually see it in a totally different light - if you dont feel good about yourself then you will struggle to find the motivation that you need. In the past I have got most benefit out of exercise and healthy eating when my mind has "been in the right place". Anyone else feel the same or is it just me?
    4. abbasrizvi918

      abbasrizvi918 Member

      Jan 2019
      Likes Received:
      As Arnold said, bodybuilding is more about character building
    5. Leont

      Leont Member

      Jul 2022
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      Sometimes it is very difficult for me to force myself to continue training. In such cases, I just turn off the brain, get up and go to train. The feeling of satisfaction with oneself and one's willpower grows. It is very important for the human psyche to see the result of the efforts made, and sport is just good for mental health. It's great when you can walk 40 minutes on it when you could barely walk half an hour a month ago, or you have a great feeling when you finally can bench press as many times as you would like.
      Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
    6. Myjourney

      Myjourney Well-Known Member

      Aug 2017
      Likes Received:
      Many people seem to forget that the beneifts of weight training and body building are not just visual:-

      Weight training and aerobic exercise can boost our mind and cognitive wellbeing
    7. Jhanvik

      Jhanvik Member

      Jul 2022
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      Generally Physical activity helps both physical health & mental health. Let we take an example When we are physically active, we improve these systems through increases in cellular and molecular processes cerebral blood flow, that positively affect the function of many brain regions. Exercise is important for people with mental illness – it not only boosts our mood, & concentration but improves our overall physical health. Hope our Suggestion will be useful for you. Please check out our website

      Durafit | Online Treadmill for Home use | Cardio Equipment
    8. Metribolone

      Metribolone Member

      Apr 2023
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      I notice I always have a much better mood and appetite after working out.
    9. admin

      admin Administrator

      Dec 2012
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      There appear to be a number of reasons why this might occur :D

      1. Endorphin Release: Exercise can trigger the release of endorphins, which are hormones that act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers. Endorphins can create feelings of euphoria and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

      2. Improved Blood Circulation: Exercise can also improve blood circulation, which can increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain and other parts of the body. This can lead to increased energy levels and a feeling of well-being.

      3. Reduced Inflammation: Exercise can help reduce inflammation in the body, which is a common cause of pain and discomfort. By reducing inflammation, exercise can help improve overall physical comfort and reduce feelings of fatigue.

      4. Increased Confidence: Regular exercise can help improve physical fitness and appearance, which can increase confidence and self-esteem. This can lead to a more positive outlook on life and greater feelings of happiness.

      5. Reduced Stress: Exercise can also help reduce stress levels by providing a healthy outlet for pent-up energy and tension. This can lead to improved mental clarity, better sleep, and a more relaxed and calm state of mind.

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