Really home sick today I miss my family and friends, my bed, and just being around the people i love and who love me Definitely thinking of taking a month out and flying home
Im missing home aaaaaaw big hugs misshayley, im sure it will pass, its only natural after a while to feel like that. Have you been talking to everyone regularly? if you came home wouldnt you just be inclined to stay??
Im missing home id have to book a flight back as id end up staying to long, im thinking nov/dec time for xmas id like to stay for xmas but flights are so expensive so its a lot cheaper to fly in Nov.. Iv had the odd home sick day and today is one of them .. i have loads more i want to do but missing everything like crazy .. i have great people around me and have made some really good friends in oz and i seem them all the time we all support each other but its not the same , sometimes i do feel like im in the big wide world on my own x
Im missing home Been following your trip on facebook hayley looks like youve had a great time so far! Some of the views and pictures are too die for! You been skyping back home alot?
Im missing home Its a sunday thing , i always seem to have these home sick days on a sunday :/ generally life is amazing but i just miss everyone .. and yeah i skyped my mum yesterday as my niece and nephew were there so thats going to add to it x
Im missing home Both, iv traveled for 2 months and now have been in oz for 3 weeks , my visa is for 12 months , i am working and earning $ to do some more traveling. but the long term goal is to get residence in Aus or NZ and to find a husband, not for visa or anything , i want to be a resident and then find my husband hes gotta be out there somewhere?