If you could do a new cycle from the beginning with all the facts and information you know now from when you started lifting.. What would you take/recommending to someone now or to yourself in the past? I just joined the Army, my diet is great, I eat as healthy as possible with still eating high calorie foods when I need them, and I fast every week. My problem, if I had one, is getting motivated and having intensity. So if you saw yourself right now in the past right when you started lifting and had the diet down but needed something to make you more intense what would you give yourself? As if joining the Army won't make me intense enough, all in all I just want to know if there was a "SAFE-CYCLE" what would it be? This is my first post, thank you for helping. **So far I've been recommended 500 test, 300 mgs Mast weekly and 30 mgs of turinabol daily** Is that in your opinion a good choice? or if there is something you think is better please post it.
If you could do a new cycle from the beginning Thought about doing an intro on yourself before starting threads with questions?
If you could do a new cycle from the beginning starting out i would be running deca and test e together with the first 3 weeks including an oral like dbol or anadrol... then again the last 3 weeks.. 10 week cycle,,, 250mg of test e and 250mg of deca a week ,, dbol i would go 50-60 mg a day split into 3doses in a day or anadrol at a max of 100mg a day only for 3 weeks at a time for the orals ,, USE post cycle therapy or you will loose loose loose.. clomid is easy to get,, heck tell a dr you and your girl are trying to have a baby and you want hcg or clomid.. they will right it in a heart beat,, research like crazy and make sure you have every thing for the entire cycle before you ever start,, don't wait to get pct drugs,,, pct should last no less than 30 days imo
If you could do a new cycle from the beginning welcome to the community testosterone enanthate and maybe some dianabol , but thats it... No need for complicted cycles and no need for extreme amounts
If you could do a new cycle from the beginning If you're talking a first cycle. Knowing what I know now. Test cyp or enanthate. 250mg a week. 400mg tops. I can gain a shit ton on 250. So don't be fooled by the mindset of more is better. More is also just more expensive. With more sides.
If you could do a new cycle from the beginning I'm 21, not a noob to training and dieting at all. my bad i'm just making sure i'm getting the correct information before I put something into my body. -153lbs I used to weigh 222lbs+ -my goal is to gain muscle and get shredded. I want to weigh around 185lbs -Been training since I was 16 I got to 225lbs around age 17 and decided to cut weight I went as low as -140lbs ..think I need a training partner but I don't know anyone because i'm new to the area : / If there is anymore information you need to know let me know please and I'll post it. Thanks so much for replying I need all the criticism and support I can get
If you could do a new cycle from the beginning I've read so many of all your guys's post and I know you are some intelligent mother fuckers when it comes to this stuff, every since I saw the post and discussions on here BB.com has been complete shit. Think of me as a mold of clay
If you could do a new cycle from the beginning At 21 aas is the last thing you need IMO. You have a lot more years of natty growth that you'll hinder using steroids. Find motivation elsewhere. It don't come in a bottle. It comes from inside. Ruining your natural ability will only make things worse later on. It'll he your crutch. I been at this a while. And compared to some. I'm a newbie. So are you. When you think you can't learn you're done.
If you could do a new cycle from the beginning You are the man. How much of each, and daily/weekly or what? dianabol isn't harmful is it