On cycle i was like a beast but cycles ended and wood is hard to come by so to speak at the moment, never had this problem before and I'm not happy, anyway got some viagara 100mg blue tabs and took half a tab (50mg) about half hour ago but still nothing. How long does it usually take to kick in and is 50mg enough??
How long does viagara take to kick in? bout half hour -45mins in my exp. u have to be sexually excite tho, doesnt just give you unwanted wood
How long does viagara take to kick in? ive never used viagra but im sure even if u have took viagra u have to be aroused to get a nodge on. why do i have the image of ur mrs lying waiting upstairs naked and uve ran down to ur laptop to ask this question. or are you taking it just for a **** on the pc.
How long does viagara take to kick in? is it just me that finds it sad that uv just took a viagra half an hour ago and ur on this forum ???
How long does viagara take to kick in? why? i reguluarly have this forum opened up in a different window while im w a n k i ng to something on another lol thats without viagra mind you
How long does viagara take to kick in? I usually get the blocked nose/rosy cheeks within 20-30 mins.. It should be working by then.
How long does viagara take to kick in? Lol lads narrr I'm not on a promise I just popped a pill to see how long it took to kick in, im sure when it kicks the Mrs can be persuaded ;-)